What a big year! It’s been an absolute joy being of service, sharing the journey with you, expanding growing and creating. I absolutely love my work and get such joy sharing in my client’s expansion and abundance.
Through this year I had the opportunity for writing, studying and going deeper with meditating having attended two silent meditation retreats, and of course, my biggest achievement was starting and completing my book, Abundance 101, which I am very excited to say will be launched late January in Melbourne and early February in Sydney. (Here is a sneak peek of the cover)

Through deepening my meditation practice, I faced into many of my limiting beliefs, old paradigms and behaviours. Also, writing a book certainly showed me a lot of my limiting self-beliefs.

You see, to move through our limitations we must face into them head on. So it’s sometimes been quite challenging this year. As a result, I am so excited about the new decade dawning and even more excited about 2020. I’ve decided my theme for 2020 is Joy! What is joyful? To come from a place of Joy!

How was your year? Has it been what you wanted? Did it bring you joy? Expansion? Or perhaps it was a year of letting go, of facing into stuff, and perhaps of growth like mine was?

Are you ready for 2020? Are you choosing to be ahead of the game? I have a very special 4x session offering of $1111 to get set up over the holiday period. To really get your 2020 vision and plan in place, get totally aligned to your vision, let go of your blocks, and create a clear action plan, I will also record the sessions as we go so you have your own guided meditations to support you beyond. Click here if this resonates.

To finish, I have a couple of books that I read this year that I absolutely loved that you may like to add to your holiday reading.

The first is The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer.

This is the story of Michael Singer. He discovered early in the 70s, by going within through meditation, that he was not his thoughts and feelings. He was fascinated by this and committed to going even more deeply into this way of being.

He bought some land to build a cabin as all he wanted to do was be solitary and meditate.

Alas, as he surrendered more and more into meditation opportunities just showed up. He let go of his personal preferences and let life call the shots.

As you will read, by doing so, he was more than looked after, and abundance in all areas unfolded.

A truly inspiring story of surrendering into the fullness of what is, and how truly safe and looked after we are if we will allow it.

The second is a book by one of my favourite teachers, Gabby Bernstein. It’s her latest book, Super Attractor.

Her philosophies are so aligned with my teachings that it’s an absolute delight to read her story and receive her wisdom. Gabby shares her own vulnerabilities and the lessons that evolve from her life journey.

Fundamentally, she teaches to go with what feels good because it’s good to feel good and when we commit to feeling and doing what feels good, we become super attractors.

She also goes deeper with the spiritual side of manifesting and shares some amazing stories.

I love this one so much I have just started reading it again.

I’m really excited that Gabby is coming to Sydney on February 2nd. Anyone want to join me? Here is the link to book your ticket.

Also, if you are in Melbourne and have a business, look out for our Business Boom Breakfast 20/02/2020, this is a collaboration with my friends, business coach Michele Carson, and Neil Lague Smith from Ricoh. Stay tuned for more details on this as well as my other events.

In the meantime, have a wonderful, safe and joyous festive season and I look forward to continuing sharing this miraculous life journey with you through 2020 and beyond.

Love and light
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