We have 99 days left of the calendar year.

Are you on track?

It certainly got Garrett and I thinking about where we are at. It’s been a big year for us and we have certainly achieved and done a lot. But we have been putting off the big scary dream. You see, over Easter we visited NZ and found this beautiful piece of land that spoke to us. But it really scares us as its a significant investment without any monetary return, it also probably means letting something else go to fund it, but we know that somehow it feels so right and is totally in line with our “Land of Abundance”, our long term vision. So we both realised it’s just not going to happen unless we take action.

We also realised we need to really reconnect with our vision to see if it is still true for us, we need to also get real with the financials and our current reality, and we need to take action. So within these 99 days we have found a weekend and booked a trip to go see the land again. We know the rest will start unfolding from here, but action is definitely required, as it will simply just pass us by. And even though it scares us, we know we need to move forward to this next step and the next actions will unfold from there.

Are you on track? Are you feeling fulfilled? Is there some unfinished business to be acted upon for you? Are you even clear on what there is to do and where you want to be?

What does YOUR abundance look like for the rest of 2016?

I would love to help you. Message me and let’s have a FaceTime chat about how I can support you.