As we enter the festive season, I want to extend my appreciation to the incredible clients I have worked with and for all those that have come to one of my regular meditation events as well as those that I have collaborated with during one of our retreats.
It truly is an honour to witness the expansion and being part of our incredible community.
This year was very much the theme of creating beyond what has been created before.
I too was called to create beyond what I have created before.
I recently followed through on the inspired idea of creating a Community Hero Programme to recognise our heroes in my local community. Once I had positive feedback to move forward with the idea I realised I actually had to see the idea through.
Despite my initial hesitations and uncertainties, I embraced the fear and took the leap and organised it. Witnessing its positive impact on our community has been nothing short of inspiring and joyful and I have got to know many new people doing amazing things within our community.
Whilst organising the event, I realised that it was the terror barrier that came up in the lead up to putting it out there.
Every time we are about to create beyond what we have created before always our Ego will kick and scream and hence the terror barrier will show up.
The key is to acknowledge the fear, yet reconnect to the intention. Our joy, our fulfilment our expansion (which is why we came) is on the other side of that terror barrier.
So feel the fear and do it anyway! If your outcome is anything like mine, you’ll be delighted that you did.

The other thing I wanted to share is a couple of recent wonderful testimonials that I recently received.
“It has been such an honour and privilege to work with Jason over my journey of discovering who I really am . I now see a vibrant, abundant and infinite world where anything is possible. My journey with Jason was during some of the most challenging times in my life and Jason helped me to be grounded and move forward towards all my desired outcomes. Has the work with Jason always been easy? I would love to say yes, however it has been the most rewarding and satisfying. He helped me face into my conditioning, blocked emotions ,limiting beliefs and always held me in a place of love, without any judgment. From working with Jason I now see the light in the world and show up as that light, I am excited at what I can create from this place, thank you Jason.”
Niall McLaughlan, December 2023
“Jason is a spiritual mechanic. Every time life knocks me out of ease and flow, Jason tunes me into the right vibration and I’m back on track again. Abundance, ease and flow vibrate through all aspects of my life experience. Jason rocks for anyone wanting more out of life and to accelerate and manifest the adventure they deserve.”
Kym Wallis, October 2023
“Jason is a highly attuned coach. He helps bring to light those unseen things in your life that when you do see them creates new possibilities that are so much better aligned with who you are and what makes you happy. I’m a good example of this. Working with Jason over the last six months or so has led me back my home country (NZ), selling property in Australia buying a home in my home town and setting up my own business. All this really without drama but rather ease and flow. Jason’s guidance leads you to richer places.”
Brian Beveridge, October 2023
I encourage each of you to explore your own versions of breaking through those barriers. Lean into your inspired ideas, confront any doubts or hesitations, and discover the immense potential within you. If this sounds like something you would like support with, please book a discovery call with me here:
May this holiday season bring joy, love, and unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Let’s collectively embrace the spirit of growth and transformation as we bid farewell to this year and welcome the opportunities of the coming one!
With Love & Abundance
PS I’ll be taking a break from 14th December until 15th January, so look forward to connecting in the New Year if we don’t speak before.