We all know that daily practice is what creates real and lasting change. I’m often asked what I do daily to keep me in an “abundant mindset”, so here are my daily practices.
First person recording:
You have hopefully already connected to your Land of Abundance and experienced all that is waiting for you through visualisation. Ideally, all areas of your life have been covered in this Land of Abundance. If you haven’t, please listen to my free guided Land of Abundance meditation here: https://www.jasonsnaddon.com/meditation-land-abundance/
Make sure you have pen and paper ready to receive it and record your actions.
To keep your Land of Abundance in your focus read it out into the voice recorder on your phone in the first person, as if it has already happened. Listen to it as often as possible – when you are driving, or on the bus, or when you are getting ready for your day. The most powerful time to listen to it is in fact just before you go to sleep. At that time, your brainwave state is changing and your subconscious mind will pick up what you are saying as if you are thinking it.
The key here is to adjust your recording from time to time as you will get new inspired ideas so bring those ideas into your recording. Create and adjust as you go.
The other powerful way to manifest abundance is gratitude.
Gratitude for what you already have, but you can also be grateful for what you are drawing forth.
I am so happy and grateful for my beautiful home. I am so grateful for the abundance of money that flows in, I am so grateful that my business is thriving, I am so grateful for all the amazing clients that I work with, I am so grateful for how healthy, well and energised I feel. I am so grateful that my Land of Abundance is unfolding day by day.
The more you can say, feel, see, sense and experience gratitude, the more you will draw forth. You will have even more to be grateful for and the more abundant you will feel, sense and experience.
A wonderful daily practice is to list out 5 things you are grateful for at the end of each day. You could even increase the potency of this by sharing with your partner, your children, your housemate – whoever, and they would share their gratitude in return with you.
The more you bring your awareness to what you are thinking or saying, the more you are able to start shifting your consciousness from what you don’t want to what you do want.
Notice what you are saying and how you are framing things. Is it negative, is it coming from a place of lacking?
What you are saying is a direct reflection of what you are thinking. What you think about and what you speak about, you bring about.
Try and catch your thought or your words.
The key is not to beat yourself up if you say or think something negative.
Simply say “cancel and clear that thought”, or “cancel and clear that statement”. And choose again on how to say or think it.
A way to also neutralise negative thought is to have affirmations ready to go.
Affirmations are powerful. However, be aware, when used alone they won’t just manifest miraculously. They will help keep you clear on what you are wishing to create, to bring forth.
They help keep your focus.
They also help you reprogram negative thoughts.
So the ideal is to have your affirmations committed to memory, so start with just a few key ones to get the habit formed. Here are some examples that I use:
“I am happy and healthy. I feel energised and well”.
“I am wealthy and successful, money flows to me easily and frequently”.
“I have a loving and fulfilling relationships with…..”
“I love my life, I love what I do, all is well”.
“Wonderful opportunities come my way”.
Create your own in your own words and commit them to memory by repeating them as often as possible. You may want to set a reminder in your phone to start with so that you get into the habit.
Inspired Action:
Nothing happens without some sort of action and inspired action is particularly powerful.
We always have our answers, our next steps within us. All we have to do is create space and let our heart lead the way.
So what I suggest you do is have some water with you. Take 3 deep breaths, breathing into your heart space. Feel, sense or imagine your heart opening up. Ask your heart, “how many inspired actions are there for me to take?” You will always get the number. Once you have the number ask for each action, one by one. If you get stuck, drink water, this will help free up your mind. Then ask again. You will get all the steps.
The important thing is to take these actions. These are the next steps for you to move forward, no matter how small or insignificant they might be, they are all important. Once you start taking the action, look out for the opportunities, the support, inspired ideas, information that comes forth to further support you moving forward.
A very effective way of using this is to tune in each morning. How many inspired actions are there for me to take today. Get your list and tick them off one by one throughout the day. It’s very powerful indeed.
Whatever practices you choose, it takes 21 days to form new habits, so be diligent with your daily practices so that the habits form. You might also like to consider booking a life coaching session with me.
Pick the ones that resonate with you and give them a go.
Love and light