
We all think. Right? We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t.

Most of our thoughts though come from our rational mind – our thinking mind. These thoughts are made up from our past experiences, our perceived expectations, limitations or fears or from our attachments to showing up in a certain way. Most of us operate and make decisions from this platform all of the time.

When we tap into our higher mind, you may know it as gut feeling or your deep knowing, this is your intuition, or your imagination.

intuition man

As illustrated in the image above, the grey cloud is where our thinking mind is, it’s foggy and blocked. However the blue sky is unlimited, full of unlimited potential, unlimited imagination. This is where the opportunity is for the deep level of creativity and vision. 

So why bother tapping into it?

You see, the higher mind is where amazing things are first perceived and then created. In the blue sky, or your intuitive mind, if it can be imagined, it can be created.

It can be the path of least resistance,  or if you like, the easiest route to your desired answer or outcome.

As I talked about in my last blog, your focus creates your reality. So if your focus happens to be created or imagined from your higher mind and if it is true for you, wouldn’t that be a really fulfilling thing to focus on?

Something you can imagine is usually far greater than what can be seen from the limited rational mind.

Your intuition can be used as a tool for anything:

  • for manifestations of what you would like,
  • when you’re looking for words to write,
  • for inspiration,
  • to support others,
  • when you are simply looking for answers.

Your intuition is there, available as a tool for you to tap into 24/7, if you so choose it.

Stay tuned for my next blog where I share how to tap into your intuition and what tools I use.


In the meantime, start imagining – you never know, great things might just happen.

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