I have recently had a number of clients and friends ask me my opinion in relation to the Covid-19 vaccine.
In relation to most things I do in my life, I try and use my intuition in conjunction with the facts available to me and felt it was good to write about this as a follow on from my recent Acceptance blog.
I recently saw a post on social media that sum up my beliefs and, in my opinion, is the most abundant approach that might help you navigate your way around it. I have re-worded it slightly but is as follows:
“For my friends who have recently had their Covid shot, or who will know that they will get one soon, good on you. I can understand how relieved you are and that this option is available to you. You have my love and respect.
For my friends who aren’t sure they will get one just yet, or maybe ever, or already know that they never will, good on you. I give you my love and respect. I am happy that you have that choice. Medical freedom is important.
The wonderful thing about informed consent is that two people with the same information, can make two completely different choices and neither of them is right or wrong. That is what medical freedom is and should be.
As we know there are benefits and risks to every medical procedure. Pharmaceuticals are not a one size fits all. Doing what’s right for you means you have weighed the risks and benefits for yourself, and are making an informed decision. The only decision that is wrong or out of alignment is when it is made purely from fear, social pressure, it being a freebie and having it for the sake of it, it being a condition imposed upon us or from emotional reactivity. If you have researched your decision and it resonates with you then perfect go for it!
What’s right for one person, may be wrong for the other. Both on an intuitive and biological level. Essentially we are all doing the best we can with the information we have, and that if we have invested the time to look into what is right for us. We are our best doctors and advocates after all.”
Trust your intuition and your own knowing, and accept others choices. It is their journey after all.
Be ok with each other. Love and accept and have compassion for each other. Judge them not.
There’s your freedom right there, your abundance.
Love, light & acceptance