You’d think it would be a festive title for my last newsletter for the year, but alas it seems not.
I recently had a very clear message from the Masters… “When we are constantly focused on resolving problems it holds us in the Karmic cycle of problem resolution” and “you can’t create the new as you are held in the loop of solving a problem”.
It so hit a chord with me, especially as a big part of my work this last year has been helping clients break through their limiting beliefs through the Recode process. Yes, this is a useful and powerful process, however, the most important aspect of my work is to help create space for the new.
And as you would have heard me quote many times… “your focus creates your reality”.
So if the focus is on the problem, guess what, more problems come up to resolve.
My intention for 2022 is to work on creation, particularly what has not even been thought of yet. What is our why?
What is our legacy to be? What would it be like to go beyond what hasn’t been imagined yet?
So as I write this to you on Christmas Eve, I wish you a magnificent holiday season, and ask you to ponder during this time of creating space, celebration and rest.
What is my why? Will I have any regrets when it’s my time to transition? What is my legacy to be? What would I truly, truly love? And who am I actually not to?
I’m so excited about 2022.
I’ve had some massive growth myself over the last couple of months and I’m really looking forward to sharing more of this with you next year and am even more excited for the new and existing clients that I have the honour to serve.
Love & light to you all.