Goodness me I have been in such resistance in writing this blog. I have attempted to start it many times and find myself doing whatever I can to avoid writing it.
I have also noticed I have resisted doing any kind of marketing of late. My poor SEO team have asked for content and I have just not done a thing.
It’s very unlike me as I always stump up and get things done and I have noticed at times how I have been judging myself for not getting on with things. But this time around rather than force and judge myself I have let it unfold as I remember that it really doesn’t matter, and that the more I accept what is going on, the greater my ease will be and, as I teach, the more ease you feel, the more abundant you actually are.
Ironically more new clients have shown up, a new influx of US clients have come forth, and I have also had a very abundant month of revenue.
So let see now if I can finish writing this and get it posted with ease.
In line with above, the theme showing up with clients and myself this month has been around accepting of what is.
We all, at times, have experiences that give us dissatisfaction, that is part of being human but it is also a key indication where our greatest growth potentially is.
Most of us though (in our human-ness) resist what is going on. We either distract, avoid or try and push away the dissatisfaction.
When I attended a 10 day silent meditation retreat, Vipassana, in 2019 I really got to understand that our suffering comes from either being attached to something or resisting it. When I was on this meditation retreat I was essentially forced to be with what was, and the more I accepted what was the more freedom, peace and calm I experienced and this translates to everyday life.
We are going to have things we really get attached to and we are also going to have experiences that don’t always give us joy, but the more we accept what is, the quicker we will move through the suffering.
So try it out. Next time you are irked by something or someone, try and catch yourself and move into acceptance of what is, and then from that place you get to choose again.
So that leads me to the recode process. Have you tried it out yet? It’s pretty amazing. Essentially what we do is unpack what the resistance is that you are experiencing, unpack the belief you have about yourself and, with your permission, I tune into your superconscious field and instruct your superconscious to recode the belief.
If you mention this blog my offer to you is a 60 minute recode session for just AU$222.
Just mention it in the booking comments when you book in here.
I hope to see you soon.
In love & abundance