One of my dear clients came to me and he was stressed about being busy, not having enough time to run his business effectively and do the things he loves.

So we tuned in on creating an abundance of time (meaning having more than enough time). We could both see him and his business humming along, him having a team working with him and supporting him. It was all there to create, from truth.

But when we looked at what his current operating platform is, we found he has an addiction to being busy. You see, unconsciously his self worth relates to him being busy. So guess what? He gets caught up being busy, but mostly with things that are not abundant, fulfilling and dollar productive.

Getting clear on this platform is allowing him to now be aware of how he operates.

He can now make new choices and create new abundant actions to take. One of those is to look at how he can leverage himself and effectively empower others to support him, which he is now open to.

So that got me thinking… Living in inner Sydney I notice when I ask friends and colleagues how they are, they often say “Busy!”. I’ve said it myself countless times.

Are we busy being abundant or are we being busy for the sake of “busy-ness”?

Is what we are doing useful to us and for our highest good?

Listen to yourself and notice if that’s what you say? If it is, maybe it’s time to look to what is more abundant to you and how you spend your time.