I realised a couple of week ago that whilst I had been creating abundance in some areas of my life, business, finances, in support of my clients. I wasn’t feeling very joyous.

I felt kind of flat and I realised when I tuned into it, that I had been kinda flat for a while. I realised I had been taking things way too seriously, especially in my property business. In fact, my team would probably say I had been a bit of a grumpy bugger. And it was true. I was grumpy and I was taking things way too seriously. I wasn’t having fun and there was definitely no joy. When I looked at it I realised I had lost sight of having fun socially and in other areas of my life as well.

As I allowed myself to tune in deeper I heard this voice (mine, but much deeper) “Fun and Joy is a choice. Jason, it is your choice to show up however you choose to”. 

The penny dropped for me. I realised I can simply choose fun, choose joy and for that matter I can choose anything.

So since then I have been consciously choosing fun, choosing joy, choosing contentment and of course abundance.

And guess what?

It’s been happening, I am more joyous, I am having more fun, I am feeling more abundant. Even when challenges show up I’m still choosing fun and joy. So what’s shifted? Simply the decision. The decision to be happy to be joyous.

What helps is making it a daily practice. I already have a morning mantra I start each day with, but in that mantra there was no mention of fun and joy, so I have added that in and consequently I am remembering my choice throughout the day because of how I set the day up.

What are you choosing each day? I hope it’s good.

If you would like a copy of my daily Mantra. Email me at jason@jasonsnaddon.com

Love & light


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