I had a very clear download that came to me in the early hours of Sunday morning and it has very much created a theme for this week. The message I received relates to you just as much as it does to me.

To fully be the Abundance Activator, I must be unwavering. I must fully stand in my power. I must speak my truth. I must inherently believe in myself, in the inherent gifts within. The inherent keys and codes, yes the keys and codes. These keys and codes fully activate in others when I am fully and energetically behind them.

Share my truth, my vulnerability, and my vulnerability of being fierce with the truth.

So essentially this message is also about you. To bring forth what we would love, with ease, grace and flow, we must be unwavering. We must be unwavering in our self-belief, in our belief of that which we intend, that which we choose is, in fact, coming forth. We must trust and surrender to this.

The moment we waver, that is when the outcome will waver. When we become attached, or force or even resistant to the outcome, the outcome will waver, the outcome is unlikely to manifest.

When we are in the frequency of being in or dealing with a problem, then the problem will remain or even show up in another way. When we believe something in ourselves is broken or needs fixing, then we keep ourselves in that frequency of being not enough, not good enough. It is law. It’s how the Law of Attraction works.

So how do we harness the Law of Attraction? We first set an intention, make a clear choice of what we are wishing to manifest. We must be unwavering in this. We then must truly want what we are choosing, we must also inherently believe that it is possible for this to manifest. Then we must surrender and allow, and to listen, look, and take actions towards what we are choosing. Trusting our knowing, taking the steps, we are guided to take from both our intuitive self as well as our rational self. Trust and allow. Trust and allow. Surrender to it. If we catch ourselves doubting, questioning, attaching to the outcome, then we are wavering. We must then re-align, re-connect and get back into the frequency of trust, belief and allowing.

Try this fun little exercise out. Ask, with absolute conviction: (Say out loud)

“Dear Universe
Within 48 hours I ask for a surprise or a gift to come to me. I believe absolutely that it will come.
Thank you.”

Then watch out for your surprise or gift to arrive.
Let me know what happens. Have fun with it.
Love & light
Be unwavering