How did I go from thinking they were bullies to becoming the top sales guy?

When I first started this “Abundance” work 11 years ago, I was the second to bottom performing sales person for the property company that I worked for then.

I had read the Magician’s Way by William Whitecloud and from that book I learnt that my focus creates my reality, and that magic and flow can happen. I then embarked on work with David & Gisele from Dare to Be Remarkable who took me deeper with the Magician’s Way philosophies.

I realised that I wanted to be the top sales consultant for the company, I could see what that looked like, I got clear on how many sales I needed to do to be top, I was also clear on how much money I wanted to earn. You see I now had my focus, I could even get the feeling of what it would be like to be top. I got really clear on what I wanted to create.

My next step was to get really real with where I was at in relation to what I wanted. I realised that as a gay man I was intimidated by what I thought of as the very straight masculine environment that I was working in. This bought up a lot of stuff around my worthiness and abilities – the feelings of not belonging, because of the bullying I had faced at school.

Suddenly I realised because of this operating platform – those old wounds that I had been working from – I was playing very small.

Having seen this I realised there was absolutely no reason that I couldn’t be top and, in fact, deserved to be.

I first owned and accepted who I was, I started to love myself for me. That provided the starting platform for me to start moving towards the things that I wanted and, at that time, one of them was to be the top sales consultant for the company.

Then Big Magic started to happen… stay tuned for the next instalment.