We are all in relationship with others and sometimes we have conflict with others, sometimes they do things that are not aligned with us, and sometimes we have conflict as a result. It got me thinking about the learnings I have had, especially being aware of where my thinking is and what my focus is on. I realised that how I react to situations is up to me and is entirely my own perception of things.

Abraham Hicks, who is one of my teachers, says this, “The others who we share this planet with are of huge benefit, even when we want different things. Differences are important in the stimulation of new ideas”.

Essentially, when we value differing opinions, we value every relationship. We cannot make others change to suit ourselves, but we can appreciate them where they are. We are at choice and when we come to that place it will give us peace.

Sometimes, as humans, we think others are responsible for negatively affecting us. As Abraham says, “that is never true”. 

Only we have the power in how we respond. Also, as humans, we sometimes believe that our own happiness is dependent on others and how they behave, and vice versa. But that is also never true.

Again, sometimes we think it’s important what others think of us, so we try to seek their approval. There is very little we can do to get another’s approval. It is completely their stuff and up to them!

If you can let go of how others feel about you and focus on how you feel about them, then you are being authentic to yourself – which will lead you to freedom.

If you can focus only on the positive aspects of another, even when tricky to find, eventually only those positive aspects can be shown back to you.

As I have said many times, when you focus on the things you desire, they must show up in your experience. It is the law of attraction.

So, from here, focus on the positives of those around you and practice appreciation for where they are at. The same can apply for yourself – remember to appreciate and love yourself for where you are at.