Happy October!
I notice that my last newsletter was in August and I make reference to the Mother tree speaking to me and being seen more. Ironically I have just been walking my own land and I just sat with two of our ancient eucalypts which is where the inspiration came to write to you today.
You see I had an inquiry. I was wondering why I had done very little marketing and being seen this year and should I be doing more, creating more content and perhaps inspiration for you. my peeps, and should I be working with more, notice the word “should” …..exactly who said I should?
My ego of course.
I realised that from a new client perspective I generally have two to three brand new clients join me each month… (they just come), along with my regular wonderful ongoing clients as well as the Creating Beyond group programme and two regular meditation groups that I also facilitate, and it hit me, that’s exactly what you are choosing, you get exactly what you are choosing!
Then I sat with the “creating more content” concept and I realised I do what’s inspired just like I am here and my intention is for it to be received and of high value.
When I sat with the trees today I asked what would be of value of to communicate and it hit me again, share what you do with and for your clients.
If you have recently worked with me you will know this, but the foundation of my work is to help you create abundantly beyond what they have created before.
During the first session with me, which is the only one I plan, we go through all areas of your life, I get you to rate them and then we discuss, this also connects us into your current reality, that is the starting point and also will show where we need to create focus. The second part of that first session I take you on a guided meditation journey to your land of abundance, this is where you receive what your life is like at its most abundant, I also tune in on you and receive an intuitive download on what I see in your Land of Abundance. This all creates the starting point of our focus together. So we start with what you wish to create, we get you very clear on your intentions, however the key to intention is you must be committed.
If the commitment is not there then the results will waiver, so we need to check on this, we then look at the programmes you have running, the beliefs holding you back. This is the ego self and the ego will do all it can to keep the status quo, it wants to keep you where you are at, keep you the same. Once we have unpacked the beliefs we can then tap into some of my multi dimensional tool box and start reprogramming those limiting beliefs through theta healing and the recode process and in that process we activate and ground your vision, essentially aligning you vibrationally “now” to that which you intend.
And then there is always action to take, inspired action and once you act, so begins momentum and the flow and before you know it you have created the shifts and changes that you intended and magic happens.
Since 2015, I have had the great joy and honour to have helped hundreds of clients with creating businesses, moving countries, manifesting relationships , transforming relationships, creating and grounding new projects, creating homes, massive shifts in health and wellbeing, financial abundance and alignment to what matters, has meaning and purpose.
So are you one of the new ones coming on the journey with me this month? I’d love to hear from you.
Remember your focus creates your reality. Where is your focus? What are you consciously committed to?
With love and abundance