We are all creative beings. The creative power that is actually within us is unlimited.

Everything that you see around you in your material world has been created. And it simply first started with a thought – an idea. That thought then started the creative process. Look at the chair you are sitting on for example. Someone, many thousands of years ago, thought “wouldn’t it be great to be able to sit on something with a back to it”. Then someone added to that, made it more comfortable with cushioning, perhaps it swivels, perhaps it’s on wheels, perhaps it reclines, has armrests or, lumber support, or not. It all started with someone’s thought. It was, in fact, a creative process that resulted in the design of the chair you are sitting on today.

Now get this, anything you want to create in your life is up to you. It simply starts with thought. So the more your open your thought up, the more you can create. The more expansive, the more abundant, the more opulent your thoughts are, the more creativity becomes possible.

I’ve talked about intuition before, we all have an intuitive self – a higher self. We have the ability to tune into our intuition if we so choose, and when we harness that intuition to create from, we really open up the expansion of thought, which expands our creativity.

So give it a try. Find a quiet spot and get and paper and just go within and close your eyes. Ask yourself
“what would I love, what would I love to create? What is present for me in this moment?”

Allow the words to come forth and just write. Ask yourself, “Is this the most expanded version of what’s possible for me? What does the most abundant version look like?” Keep writing, keep enquiring.

Once you have completed, read it a couple of times, tweak the words and feel it in your being. Does it excite you and scare you at the same time? If so, you are definitely on track.

The next step is to ask yourself, “What inspired actions are there for me to start making this vision a reality?” Ask yourself, “How many actions are there for me?” Listen for the number, you will always get the answer, then tune in on each action relating back to the number. And there you have the next steps to take.

The important thing is to take those inspired actions, trust them, trust that they are your next steps to lead you to your creation.

Give it a go. Let me know how you go.

Happy creating.