I had an email from the lovely Justine who helps me with my newsletters and marketing it said “Haven’t seen a blog for a while… Do you have writer’s block? Or farmer’s gait?”

Neither of us are sure what farmer’s gait is but it sounds good LOL. The truth is I haven’t had anything much to write about, the inspiration hasn’t been coming to me so maybe perhaps I have been blocked. But what one of my dear friends says when that is the case is to cart water and chop wood. Through doing simple tasks with presence, the inspiration comes.

Well I’ve been carting water and chopping wood, so to speak, for a while now so I thought why not just blimmin’ well start writing and see what comes, so here goes.

There are two themes that come into my awareness as I write, one is that we are in the process of selling our house in Melbourne which will enable us to build our dream home at the farm and ultimately create accomodation to hold retreats here which I am really excited about. Now one of the things that I’m really good at is manifesting an end result when there is something tangible at play so here I share my process…

First, Garrett and I got 100% clear and aligned that we were ready to sell. I also tuned in on the house to make sure it too was ready, as it happens it’s ready for its next custodians. We connected in to the price that we wanted to sell it for. Then I allowed intuition to follow choosing the right agent, the method of sale, when to go to market and the auction date. Before the house went on the market I did a releasing ceremony of the house and invited in the new custodians.

I then created a self guided meditation which includes other things that I am manifesting, ensuring that everything is lining up – the best marketing, the right team, the perfect people inspecting the house, and an excitement around to make sure the right people are seeing it. I am also clear and unwavering on the price end clear and unwavering that it is sold.

I am in the vibration of it already being done and the house at the farm is underway.

So far everything has fallen into place as chosen.

Our Melbourne home

The other thing that has shown up is related to the strata committee that I am on for my apartment in Sydney. Things had been going really well for the last 6 years but this year problems have erupted over items stored in the carpark. Now one of the residents has decided to be very difficult waging war against those of us on the committee.

Ironically I was not bothered about things stored in the carpark, but now he is trying to block Airbnb being allowed in our complex, knowing full well that is what I do with my unit.

My ego self and the usual paradigm of operating is to go into fight or flight. What I am choosing here is to hold my intention that all will work out for the highest and best and to accept what is and allow it to unfold rather than going into a battle.

Acceptance of what is, is key here. The other yet little more challenging aspect is to hold the person who wants war with love and compassion. I wonder what will unfold at the AGM?

Stay tuned for my December blog to see how I went with these manifestations.

Join me this Saturday for my free fortnightly group meditation, our theme is, you got it, “Love & Compassion”. Zoom in here:

I have also created a new offering which is for a mastermind group of up to 10 people held in a container of expansion and abundance for 6 months next year. This will also include a 3 day retreat. If this sounds interesting to you let me know.

With love and abundance

Meeting ID: 852 9801 2437
Passcode: Love