Goodness it’s been a challenging few weeks. As many of you know, our farm is in the flood affected Northern Rivers of NSW, our nearest town being Lismore, which has suffered horrific damage with thousands of homes and businesses destroyed leaving thousands homeless. We have been quite safe on top of our our hill, however as I write this it seems we are yet again flooded in to what extent as yet I don’t fully know.
Until today I really didn’t know what to say about it all let alone post anything about it. You see in my 53 years on this planet I’ve never experienced living through a natural disaster and in my humanness it’s been a very challenging thing to navigate.
In saying that, I had so many emotions come up. What can I do? How can I help? The guilt of carrying on with life with any normality.
This morning I caught up with a dear friend and colleague for our regular Wednesday Zoom and I reflected to him how I just didn’t seem to have any get up and go, any motivation to put anything out there, let alone invite new clients in. Even connecting with friends and family was a chore. I felt completely out of my power.
He took me through a similar process that I take my clients through to unpack the beliefs at play. To my surprise my Ego self (limited wounded self) had snuck in big time without me realising.
You see, we all have limiting programs that play out and whilst we might clear different aspects of these as we go through life, the ego is sneaky. Its survival depends on it.
So what had happened is that the recent flood events tipped my Ego self into the drivers seat. It was enough for my powerless belief to kick in, which plays into not trusting myself and the world around me, leading me to play insignificant and small.
And whilst I had been relentlessly choosing to be in my power this is actually where my power was.
I believed that with all that was going on in the world, we are all fundamentally f*kd! Which allowed more to show up to me to reinforce that my beliefs to be true.
Now I was not conscious to this, but with his help shining a light on it, it allowed me to see what was playing out and what I was making up about myself and the world around me. What was being reinforced consistently was that my Ego had the power. Oooh when I could see it, it was like a light bulb moment, an icky realisation but so so true.
So after trying to write the March blog piece for weeks, finally here it is.
I can now truly choose to step into my power. I have seen what was playing out and I no longer have to play that game. I get to choose again. I get to be the abundant powerful creator that I truly am.
Whenever we are out of flow, in our dissatisfaction it’s more than likely our Ego is running the show, and for some of us, the more work we have done the more sneaky it gets. I know we can move through and heal from these programs, but we must first see and experience them to move through them. And we must choose what we do want.
I am choosing to be in my Super Conscious Powerful Self. What are you choosing?
Join me this Saturday at 9:30am via Zoom for our group meditation. The theme, of course, is Stepping into your Power from your Superconscious Self.
See you soon.
In Abundance