It’s been an interesting time of late with the freedoms that we take for granted being taken away very quickly. I experienced it again this week with Melbourne going back into lock down.
However on a much bigger scale I became aware of a deeply hidden belief of my own that I wasn’t free and this had been playing out in my life. It was quite icky to discover this, when my own coach took me through the very conflict process I take my clients through for this to be revealed.
You see, I hadn’t seen it before. Unconsciously this belief really suited me, my ego, as it allowed me to keep myself as I was: contained and comfortable with the belief that I wasn’t free.
It gave me excuses, and of course, because I had that belief, situations showed themselves to me to keep it true.
Ooh, I tell you, when I realised this it was actually a shock that this had been playing out. But it was ready to be revealed. I’ve worked hard on the beliefs that I know play out and I could shine a light on those ones and choose again. But this one was tricky. It was hidden away.
The wonderful thing now is that I get to choose again. I get to choose freedom. I get to choose to have the freedom to create anything I want. How freeing is that?
So even as I write this from locked down Melbourne, I feel more free than I have ever been. Free to be the powerful creator that I truly am. Allowing myself to see and to shift my focus on to what it is like to be free, to choose freedom.
It still shocks me that I hadn’t seen it before with all the work I have done on myself over the last 15 years. And here’s the thing, we all have beliefs in our blind spots waiting to be revealed, just as I discovered.
So how do we reveal what’s playing out?
It starts with where you are dissatisfied. Where there is a problem at play. From there we work with this conflict process that is incredible, it will reveal your beliefs that are playing out. It was taught to me by William Whitecloud, the author of The Magician’s Way, and ever since then I have been using it and it’s been so transformational for my clients and myself, as I have recently re-discovered.
The wonderful thing is that once revealed we no longer have to live by the unconscious beliefs that are playing out. Once we see what’s playing out, we can choose again and we can heal the beliefs and shift our focus to ultimately create what we want.
Last week I used it for my clients that are in my Mastermind group about the hidden money beliefs that play out for them. Once the light is shone on those beliefs we can shift them and choose again. It’s so powerful.
If shifting your negative money beliefs is something that interests you, join me for my Money Beliefs free online workshop next Saturday at 11am. We will create space for you to truly see what your money beliefs are and I will take you through another powerful process to shift those beliefs to step you into manifesting money flow into your experience.
And of course, if you are really ready to go deeper we have one spot left in my 6 month mastermind group or alternatively working with me 1 on 1 might be for you.
Book in a complimentary 30minute session to have a conversation about how I can support you. Book here
See you soon.
Love & light