Every second Saturday I facilitate a Mastermind group. This weekend we discussed fundamental choices. If you have ever had a life coaching session with me or read my book you will know that we always work on choices. What are you choosing in your life? By making a choice, this sets the intention for what is to be created. There is power in your intention. So by setting the choice you are creating space to tap into what this choice looks like at its most expansive. You are shifting your focus to that which you desire. Your focus creates your reality.
The expanded version of all of your choices is through your Land of Abundance. This is what your life looks like at its most expansive and abundant, it’s where you’re creative power lies and your ability to be consistently productive. The more you visit your Land of Abundance and align to it, the more likely it is to unfold. From your Land of Abundance your choices are revealed and created.
No matter what is in your Land of Abundance there are four fundamental choices that we all should focus on no matter what we are wishing to create and manifest into our lives.
These are:
- I choose to live my true nature and purpose! Meaning that you are aligning to what it is that you are truly meant to be doing. By choosing this you are giving yourself permission and allowing for your true nature and purpose to be revealed and acted upon.
- I choose to be healthy, vital, well and energised. This is fundamental as without your physical health and wellbeing you cannot live your life at its most abundant. To be this you must choose it!
- I choose to live my life in joy. This one is pretty self explanatory however it is a tricky one. Being joyful means being in joy no matter what is showing up in your experience good or bad. You see, our human suffering comes from being attached to outcomes or resisting them. When we come into equanimity we can truly be in our joy and move out of suffering.
- I choose to be the powerful predominant creator in my life. This is so fundamental as this is where you choose to step out of being the victim to your life and your circumstances and step into your power and create your life and outcomes from that place.
The key is to regularly make these choices and review them as often as possible and take action from them.
If you are curious about what it would be like to be making these choices join me this Saturday, the 8th of the 8th, for one of my Abundance workshops.
We will create space to visit your Land of Abundance and also look at where there might be some resistance at play and I will give you a powerful recoding experience that will reduce some of that resistance.
Alternatively you might like to discuss with me one on one your situation, book a 30 minute no obligation call here:
One of my readers sent this beautiful testimonial to my book Abundance 101:
“I just wanted to write and say thank you for your book – it has truly helped me in the most magnificent way.
I am back on my path that I had actually forgotten about, and it’s so lovely to be back.
So thank you thank you thank you – I am still working through the book but every time I pick it up, it’s truly awesome.” John Bellamy
In Abundance