The universe wants to support you to have an abundant life. When you allow yourself to receive it, it will happen.

Think about nature for a moment. In fact, if you can look at a tree right now, please do so. See that tree, no matter what is going on that tree remains. It doesn’t react, it doesn’t resist or attach. It just remains completely present to whatever happens, whether it is being blown around in a storm, or whether birds are nesting in it, or whether it is a glorious sunny day, or even if its limbs are being removed. It remains. And that is the Law of Nature. Nature carries on no matter what. Yes, it might need to adjust, but it doesn’t complain about it. It just gets on with it and carries on.
You can harness the Law of Nature (the Universe) by trusting and allowing. It is in our human-ness that we attach to things being a certain way. We crave an outcome, or we have aversion to things. We resist.
So how can you harness the Universe to support you?
Well, the first thing is to have a clear intention.
Ask yourself, what am I wishing to bring forth, to create, to manifest? Is it for my highest good? Is it for the highest good of all?
The most powerful way to do this is connecting into your heart.
Try this now. Put your hand on your heart. Feel the energy from your heart, ask your heart to open up. Say, “Hello heart, I love you, I love you”.
Feel it open it up even more. Then ask your heart about your intention, you will feel a lightness, an openness, if your intention is true for you, you may even see your intention from an expanded perspective.
Once you have that clear intention, you must fully believe in it. Be fully worthy of it, have no doubts. Be unwavering, fully believe in it and yourself.
Again put your hand on your heart ask your heart if there are there any doubts. If there is any doubt you will feel it, any unworthiness, any beliefs going on. If there are any beliefs that it’s not going to happen, then that needs to be cleared first.
Bring your awareness to those doubts and ask yourself, “Is this true?”.
Are there any feelings of fear, or any resistance in your body? If so, go into that feeling. Really feel into it until it subsides. Once you feel neutral and aligned and open in your heart to move forward, then you are are ready to harness the Universe for support.
When you are aligned the Universe will support you. Know that you don’t have to do it all yourself. You may have heard the quote “Ask and You Shall Receive” or “Ask and it is Given”. Well, it is true the Universe responds to your request, so ask away.
I’ll share with you this example.
I have just repackaged my coaching program offerings and pricing and I am ready to manifest new clients. The first thing I do is check in using my heart.
With my intuition on, I ask, “Do I believe 100% in myself and my abilities?” Yes I do.
“Do I believe 100% in my pricing/value and my offerings?” Yes I do. There is no doubt. I am feeling no doubt or resistance going on. I am feeling an openness in my heart.
“Are my offerings for my highest good and for the highest good of all?” Yes my heart is open, I feel aligned.
So I am now ready to harness the Universe to support me.
“Universe, I am clear on my new offerings and I am ready for my new clients to come forth to take up these offerings. Please send me my ideal paying clients now. I am ready, and I am so grateful to be working with these new clients. Please show me my signs that I am on track.”
Now the signs I usually choose to see are 11:11 1:01 3:33 4:44. But yours could be anything you choose. Might be feathers, it might be an animal or an insect. Choose whatever resonates for you.
I always finish with, “Thank you thank you thank you. It is done.”
Try this fun exercise out to get started.
Bring your awareness to your heart. Put your hand on your heart. Say, “Heart I love you.”
Feel your heart open. From that openness in your heart. Ask the Universe. “Dear Universe, please send me a surprise or a gift within the next 48 hours. Thank you thank you thank you. It is done.”
Then let it go. Trust and know that a surprise to gift is on its way to you. Know this inherently.
Have fun with it.