It’s important to note that abundance and creating an abundant life starts with you.

It starts with you operating the best you can, operating at your most abundant.

So what can you do? How do you be your most abundant? It begins with you getting clear on what abundance is for you.

Shifting and aligning your focus on to what you want to create from your truth. You see, your focus creates your reality.

Getting really clear on what is Abundant to you is fundamental! Coming into stillness, tapping into your amazing intuitive abilities to see what this is. To see your truth.

The next step is about you becoming aware of what’s actually blocking you.

What layers do you have in place holding you back? These layers are based on your past experiences and beliefs. Your limiting operating platforms.

This is your Ego. Your ego plays its part by the perception of protecting you. However that protection is an illusion as it is protecting you against something that is not real. It may seem very real to you, to your ego self.

By becoming clear, getting real and owning what’s going on for you from your egoic self, that is your starting point to move into what it is you would truly love.

You see, most humans are unconsciously focused on what they don’t want because of the ego. Therefore if that is where the focus is then that’s what is going to show up.

It is law. The Law of Attraction. Getting clear on what and how you are limiting yourself or blocking what you truly want, that is your next step.

Then it is about getting clear on the inspired actions to take to start moving into your vision.

To take action.

Through taking action, looking out for the opportunities along the way to help you; looking out for the support, the guidance, the inspired ideas, the right people, places or events; this creates movement and momentum, and things will start to show up to support you.

Then keep reconnecting with your vision and adjusting and creating along the way all the while taking steps, continuing to take action towards your vision.

My role as an Abundance Advocate is to facilitate you through each step – making sure you stay on track and working through any blockages with you.

If now is the time to step into your truth and life your life abundantly, do it. It’s a beautiful place to be.

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