There is nothing more important at this time. And the real beauty of it is that you get to choose how you feel.
When we allow ourselves to be affected by whatever is going on, it’s actually on us. We are the only ones that can choose how we respond to situations, what others do or don’t do, and what’s showing up around us.
At this time, collectively, it’s more important than ever. The more of us choosing to feel good, choosing what we want to experience, then the more of that we will create. But the same goes if we are choosing and focusing on what we don’t want, focusing on what others are saying or doing and making them wrong. None of that is useful to you. It doesn’t make you feel good does it? You can only do you. You are your most important person.
Now I too have been caught up in it. I too have my own opinions about the situation. I too have wanted to vent and voice my opinions. I too have wanted to go down the rabbit hole of different conspiracies, and when I have it hasn’t worked out. It’s just caused division and divisiveness internally and externally, and that is not useful to me, and it certainly hasn’t made me feel good.
So how do we shift? Well, for a start, minimise the noise, go within, give yourself space from the noise. Switch off the media, or significantly reduce it. Be intentional with what you view and what you hear. (You will always find out what’s happening, news always spreads)
Many are in a lockdown situation at the moment. Use this time wisely. Treat it as a retreat to learn grow and do what fills your tank. Last year when I was in two weeks hotel quarantine I treated it just as that. I am not saying it wasn’t challenging, but never have I meditated, written, visualised and practiced yoga as much as I did through that period.
But most importantly, choose to feel good. Be relentless with this. Do things that light you up, focus on what you would love to have and experience in your life. Keep the focus on what you want. By writing it, speaking it, hearing it, visualising it, meditating on it, and be relentless with your choice to feel good. Be selfish. You can be more for others in doing so.
We are all vibrational beings. We must be a vibrational match to what we wish to experience. So we must do all we can to keep our vibe high.
If you don’t know where to start, need some support, want to expand on this, create a vision for your future, or just get into a really high vibe state, join me this Saturday at 8am AEST for a 90 minute feel good workshop. I guarantee you will come away from it feeling great. It’s free. Here’s the link.
See you soon and feel good!
Love & light