I want to share about manifesting. We all have the ability to manifest whatever is true for us. Here I outline what you can do to manifest your truth.
Grab some water, a pen and journal. Make sure you are nicely hydrated as clarity of your higher mind comes forth when you are.
First get really clear on what it is that you are wanting to manifest.
I like to use an “I chooseā€¯ statement of what you are wanting and also add in “for the highest good”.
Become present. Become aware of your breath, feel into your body, become aware of your heart and allow your heart to open to the vision of what you are wanting. Tune in on it from your highest self, from your intuitive self. See your vision in its most expanded form, visualise it, feel into it bring your awareness fully into the expanded version of what it is.
Then put pen to paper and allow it to come forth in written form. Read it back, connect into what you have written. You now have your vision.
The next step is to get honest and clear with where you are in relation to your vision. Do you really believe that your vision is possible? What limiting beliefs are at play? Is there any attachment to the outcome? Or are you pushing away what you really want? Resisting it? Write it out and get clear and honest with what’s going on. The truth will set you free to create what you want.
So again become present. Breathe, ask yourself, “do I 100% believe in my vision? Do I 100% believe I can manifest this? What’s holding me back from really having it?”
Again feel into it. Feel into your body, notice if there is any fear going on, any discomfort in your body and keep feeling into it. Notice if it subsides. If it has then ask yourself again, “Is there still resistance going?”
If it is released you are ready for the next step. If not keep feeling into the resistance until it has subsided or review your vision until you 100% own it.
Actions. The next step is asking for your inspired actions. Again have some water to make sure you are re-hydrated again.
Then close your eyes, take some breaths and ask yourself, “how many inspired actions are there for me to take to move into my vision?”
You will always be given a number. Once you have the number, tune in on each action and write them down.
The important thing is to take the inspired actions.
And allow the Universe to go to work for you.
Trust that your vision is unfolding and surrender to it. Know that your vision is on its way. Know it. Trust it and allow.
Let us know how you go and what shows up.
Love & light