Or perhaps I should title this, “My Dark Night of the Soul”.

Let me explain… Creating Beyond What’s Been Created Before is the theme for this coming year and beyond. 

Ironically, this is something that has been bugging me since the Creation Retreat that I co-facilitated in September. And I really went into complete paralysis, taking no action, when exactly the opposite was needed.

You see, the ego aspect (the limited self) always wants to keep things the same and mine was on high alert, albeit sneakily. It showed up as not having inspiration and every time I went to take action I had no inspiration, and that was where I sat.  Then a couple of weekends ago I had what I call “a dark night of the soul”. I was in misery – not something that happens often, but I was miserable.

I cancelled all events and shut the farm gate and there I stayed. Why was I not moving forward? Where had my inspiration gone? Why was I not taking action? Why was I on repeat. Does my intuition no longer work? 

I had it all going on!

Then I remembered.

I became present to my lower self.

My ego was running the show.  Whenever we are ready for great shifts and changes, the ego will crack the sh*ts because our wounded self, our identity, wants to keep us the same. So the shit will hit the fan, or as Bob Proctor put it, the terror barrier will be met.  Our greatest growth, our greatest satisfaction comes from breaking through that terror barrier.  Now the problem is that if we keep the focus on what needs to be healed or worked through, that is where the focus will be… So guess what?

More of that which needs to be resolved will show up. It keeps us in the karmic cycle of problem resolution.  To move through that, we must shift the focus onto the beyond. Creating beyond what has been created before. And that is what was being called for from me. And this, I hasten to add, is the opportunity for us all. You see, to really go beyond what has been before, we must create beyond, and we all absolutely have the power.

We are all in fact powerful beyond measure.

So this is the theme for the rest of the year into the New Year and where the focus is on my work. And of course to do that I must do that for myself. To start the year I am launching a new podcast, you can listen to the very first episode here where I talk about this realisation. (You can have a glimpse into episode one linked on my Facebook page here)

I am also offering a new group three month Creating Beyond coaching program starting on Wednesday 18th January. This will be a group coaching session every week for three months for those ready to create beyond what has been created before. There will be space for you to get clear on your creations. You will see where you are holding yourself back and you will take the required actions, held in a beautiful container of support and accountability. If this sounds exciting to you reach out here. As you are already a subscriber we have a special offer for you. 

I’m so excited for the year ahead and I look forward to joining you on this journey of expansion. I am off to walk the Abel Tasman in NZ now. Have a wonderful holiday season and of course an incredible new year creating beyond what you have created before.