There is so much more acceptance and knowledge now that meditation is good for us – they’re even practising it in primary schools!

I know many of you would like to meditate but don’t think you can, think you need to do a course, don’t think you have the time, that your mind is too busy or if you have meditated you simply forget to.

First off, get rid of the shoulds, musts and can’ts – all the made up BS.

Meditation is actually quite simple. It is just getting silent, still and aware. It matters not if you have a busy mind, that is part of it. It’s becoming aware of what is going on within you. You see most people move through life without any awareness of where their thoughts are.

So becoming aware of what is going on with your mind, that is your starting point.

Become aware of your breathing. Is it fast or slow? Focus on your breathing.

Become aware of different parts of your body. You could even focus on a lit candle or, the easiest way in my opinion, is listen to guided meditations.

Five minutes will do it and it’s a great starting point to meditation.

You can find guided meditations free online or there are apps for your phone that can take you on your journey. Just google “5 minute meditations” or search your app store for options. Experiment and try different ones out.

One of my favourite guided meditation apps is by Abraham Hicks, Vortex Attraction. It is a paid app (AU$22.99), but it’s worth it.

Alternately, if you are focusing on creating, perhaps use the timer on your phone so you don’t need to worry about how long you have gone for.

The more you give meditation a go, the easier it will become for you and the more mindful you will become – and the better the day ahead will be for you.

You can meditate anytime and anywhere, however, for me, the best time is first thing in the morning because it just sets up the day well. If you can’t manage it in the morning, maybe try it on the bus with headphones on – wherever works for you.

Remember taking action, however small, is the starting point with anything.

Nothing happens without action.

Start today.