It’s just after 4am on my 14th day of mandatory hotel quarantine in Sydney.  In just under 12 hours I am free.

I have a very clear intention to be at my Abundance Retreat at the Hunter Valley for my clients later this month and it was a step that I had to take to get me there. 

Why am I awake?  Well I am so sad for Melbourne and the continued enforced lock downs and whilst have my opinions about the whole situation that will not serve you here. 

What I am being guided to write about is Resilience and it is my intention that this will help any of you reading this going through a challenging time.
When the door of this hotel room shut behind me 14 days ago I burst into tears. I thought, “how can I be in this room on my own for 14 days?” No fresh air, no outdoors and most of all, no freedom. It was daunting. I managed to calm myself through meditation and went to bed.

I reached out to one of my dear colleagues and friends to help me, and I set a very clear intention “I choose the end result of being at my highest purpose whilst in quarantine”

He led me on a meditation and as he did so I felt the immense gratitude and the realisation that for the next 14 days I had everything I needed. I felt gratitude that I was in a lovely new hotel, it was clean, I had a comfortable bed, I was being fed three times a day, I could order anything I wanted through food delivery, I had fast internet which meant connection, I was able to keep doing my work which is my greatest joy, I had live stream yoga classes, I had live stream meditations, I had FaceTime with my husband and my friends and the hotel even gave us free access to movies.

I had everything I needed and from that point I knew I would be ok.  

From my tune-in I received 10 actions, very clearly guided, to take to keep my resilience. They were:

  1. Practice yoga each day (some days I practiced twice).
  2. Meditate often (this I did 3 to 4 times a day).
  3. Call in the support of my angels, guides and the universe often and as needed (this helped greatly handing over to a power greater than self).
  4. No forcing or fussing to fill the diary to be occupied. The days will unfold. 
  5. Let go of the media, Google trending, social media (I wasn’t perfect at this but I did minimise it).
  6. Be present to what you would love to do next.
  7. Tune in on my retreat and actions to take (this has been massive and I have had some mystical experiences in doing so). 
  8. Tune in on actions to take.
  9. Journal about the experience (I am writing a short story about my full experience).
  10. Practice the Superconscious recode process on myself as required. 

Stay tuned for my full story on the quarantine experience where I will share my learnings and discoveries.

I have decided to offer another free workshop this coming Saturday 12th September from 11am till 1pm via Zoom. I will first lead you on a beautiful meditation, this I will help you get the most from your current situation whatever that might be, help you get the inspired actions to take through this time, and I will take you through the powerful recode process to let go some of the pain and resistance that might be showing up for you.

Now I back to bed I go. 

Sending you so much love & light
