We manifested a farm!

In April (during our first lock down) I revised all my choices. If you have worked with me, been to one of my workshops or read my book, the key […]

Follow your Joy. Your Guidance too.

When I last wrote my blog I was at the tail end of my Hotel Quarantine experience which as I reflect on my two weeks it was an incredible time […]


It’s just after 4am on my 14th day of mandatory hotel quarantine in Sydney.  In just under 12 hours I am free. I have a very clear intention to be […]

Fundamental Life Choices

Every second Saturday I facilitate a Mastermind group. This weekend we discussed fundamental choices. If you have ever had a life coaching session with me or read my book you […]


It’s been an interesting time of late with the freedoms that we take for granted being taken away very quickly. I experienced it again this week with Melbourne going back […]