2nd October, 99 Days

We have 99 days left of the calendar year. Are you on track? It certainly got Garrett and I thinking about where we are at. It’s been a big year […]
The Power of Intention
Every night before I go to sleep I write down 5 things I am grateful for (gratitude I have talked about in a previous blog) and I also write down […]
Good Morning!

I have been house sitting in Sydney in a different area to where I live and I go for a walk most mornings. The area where I live I know […]
Global Perception – Where’s your focus?

It’s an interesting time, especially in the western world with what can seem like much political instability and drama. The old systems are no longer working so they are breaking […]
My first year… no Booze

On Sunday it will be 12 months since I have had a drink. From someone that used to be real binge drinker and one that felt he needed alcohol to […]