Five daily practices to bring forth your abundance

We all know that daily practice is what creates real and lasting change. I’m often asked what I do daily to keep me in an “abundant mindset”, so here are […]
Harnessing the Universe to support you

The universe wants to support you to have an abundant life. When you allow yourself to receive it, it will happen. Think about nature for a moment. In fact, if […]
Treasure the Present!

Today is my 5th Wedding Anniversary and has me thinking about this very special day, a day I can remember fully and completely. Not only was it the day that […]
The Christmas Frenzy!

Can you feel it? That manic energy that goes on. Well, we are at choice whether we buy into the frenzy or not. The collective behaviour that everything must be […]
When the sh*t hits the fan

This blog was inspired by a client session this morning. When I start working with people they are bringing forth a new way of being, a new way of operating. […]