Why do I do Abundance?

I’ve been asked to write about why I “do” this whole abundance thing and it got me thinking… Imagine a world where you are living the best version of yourself. […]

My first year… no Booze

On Sunday it will be 12 months since I have had a drink. From someone that used to be real binge drinker and one that felt he needed alcohol to […]

Manifesting a Home

We are in the process of setting up a home in Melbourne as Garrett, my husband, has a new job there, so we will be splitting our time between both […]

Oh Gawd, Should I Meditate?

There is so much more acceptance and knowledge now that meditation is good for us – they’re even practising it in primary schools! I know many of you would like […]

Big Magic Part Two

So I had accepted who I was. I actually owned being me. Yes I was finally open about being a gay man in my professional environment for the first time […]