Are you choosing Fun & Joy? I wasn’t!

I realised a couple of week ago that whilst I had been creating abundance in some areas of my life, business, finances, in support of my clients. I wasn’t feeling […]
How can you “do” Abundance?

It’s important to note that abundance and creating an abundant life starts with you. It starts with you operating the best you can, operating at your most abundant. So what […]
Why do I do Abundance?

I’ve been asked to write about why I “do” this whole abundance thing and it got me thinking… Imagine a world where you are living the best version of yourself. […]
The Power of Intention
Every night before I go to sleep I write down 5 things I am grateful for (gratitude I have talked about in a previous blog) and I also write down […]
Good Morning!

I have been house sitting in Sydney in a different area to where I live and I go for a walk most mornings. The area where I live I know […]