
Why is being present so important and so useful? There really is only the now. Only this moment. Right now you are reading this article. Right now. Are you fully […]

How can you “do” Abundance?

It’s important to note that abundance and creating an abundant life starts with you. It starts with you operating the best you can, operating at your most abundant. So what […]

We create the whole of our reality!

I want to share something that happened to me this week. I have recently set up my Sydney apartment to go on Airbnb when I am not using it. In […]

2nd October, 99 Days

We have 99 days left of the calendar year. Are you on track? It certainly got Garrett and I thinking about where we are at. It’s been a big year […]

The Power of Intention

Every night before I go to sleep I write down 5 things I am grateful for (gratitude I have talked about in a previous blog) and I also write down […]