Good Morning!

I have been house sitting in Sydney in a different area to where I live and I go for a walk most mornings. The area where I live I know […]
Global Perception – Where’s your focus?

It’s an interesting time, especially in the western world with what can seem like much political instability and drama. The old systems are no longer working so they are breaking […]
Home Update

Well we found our new home and it’s perfect. Funnily enough it’s in the neighbouring suburb that we weren’t looking in, and already we have made new friends two streets […]
Are you addicted to being busy?

One of my dear clients came to me and he was stressed about being busy, not having enough time to run his business effectively and do the things he loves. […]
What do ya want?

You may have heard the bible saying “ask and it will be given”, “seek and you shall find”,” knock and it will be opened for you”. I’ve just googled it […]