Can you feel it? That manic energy that goes on. Well, we are at choice whether we buy into the frenzy or not.

The collective behaviour that everything must be done before Christmas, that we must catch up before Christmas, that we must buy this, must get this. Blah blah blah. You just don’t have to!

You can choose a wonderful joy filled time with ease, grace and flow. No deadlines, no have to’s, must do’s, should do’s.

Choose what you would love, ask yourself what would I truly love? How would I love to show up? Connect with those that you love because you simply want to. Not out of obligation. If it’s out of obligation or in resentment, you are out of integrity and the energy is out of alignment. Choose to see people because you simply would love t0. Bring forth your own joy. And if you are not feeling it, give yourself space and be ok with that.

Now some of you are probably saying yeah that’s all well and good but I am obligated, well, what if you shifted that obligation to actually I choose this and I choose to have a great time? I choose to have fun, I choose to be in my power, and I choose to be clear on my own boundaries. See what shows up when you come from this place.

On that note I am finishing up for the year from the 8th December, heading to NZ to see family then walking one of the NZ great walks and taking the opportunity to have a digital detox, then to Thailand for some relaxation. Returning 7th January.

Have a wonderful festive season whatever you choose and I look forward to sharing this magical life journey with you further through 2019 and beyond.

Love & light
