chopraEvery night before I go to sleep I write down 5 things I am grateful for (gratitude I have talked about in a previous blog) and I also write down 5 intentions for the next day.

Now recently we moved house and found Deepak Chopra’s “Seven spiritual  Laws of Success” in a box that had been stored for 6 years, and in it one of the Laws he talks about is the “Power of Intention and Desire”

Now Deepak Chopra says that our intentions and desires, when released in the field of pure potentiality, have infinite organising power. This isn’t a mystical notion. Every time we have a desire to walk or lift our arms, our intention incites millions of chemical reactions and electrical impulses that obey fixed laws of nature. He says energy and information exist everywhere in nature, at the level of pure consciousness there is nothing but energy and information.

So essentially, through giving something our attention it energises it and intention transforms it into the intended end result.

Whatever we put our attention on grows stronger in life, whatever we take our attention away from withers and disappears.

He says, intention is the real power behind desire because it is desire without attachment to the outcome.

Desire in most people is attention with attachment to a certain outcome. But when we combine intention with detachment, our intent is for the future, while our attention is in the present.

Present moment awareness is powerful, because our future is created by our actions in the present. Past and future are born in the imagination. Only the present, which is awareness, is real and eternal.

So what can you do to really create intention?

Take some time in silence, make a list of your intentions and desires. Look at this list before you go to sleep, and look at it again in the morning.

Trust that that there is divine universal intelligence organising that is supporting you.

Take action on the areas that you feel present to. Know also that when things don’t appear to be going your way, there is always a reason.

Practice present moment awareness in all your actions.

Refuse to allow perceived obstacles to consume your attention in the present moment.

Take inspired action in the present moment, it is all ultimately leading you to your desired outcome.

Love & light