The Shadow and the Light!
As we grow and evolve, our shadow selves come up to be dealt with, if we will allow them.
What I have found for myself, and for my clients, is that when we start evolving and expanding, our fears, doubts and limiting beliefs really come to the surface. This is essentially our shadow selves and it is really important.
I have just completed a six week program with my coach and it was very powerful. It has been all about my expansion and, of course, through that period I had to face into one of my big wounds and that is trusting. Particularly trusting myself and trusting what I know, essentially I need to have faith in backing myself. This is something that waivers in me, and when my perception of things starts going wrong, it really plays into my “not trusting” belief.
The last two weeks of this program I really had my shadow stuff come up. I was so angry as I really asked myself, “have I not done enough work?”, “why am I going through this shitty feeling?”. I really didn’t want to face into it and it stayed for way longer than usual.
It was because I was fighting it, resisting it, so it stayed put. You see, what you resist, persists.
How I broke through it, I really faced into it. I faced into myself, I gave myself space to love that part of me. I acknowledged that it was my not trusting was at play, which is really my fear, my fear of my greatness, my playing the lack and scarcity game, and that it was ok. I could actually choose again, that I could choose to move from this fear and lack back into my Abundance and flow.
Ironically, as I was going through this, I was writing a chapter for my upcoming book about resistance and attachment. This particular chapter was the most challenging for me to write, as I was going through my own resistance.

I glanced up at my bookshelf I realised that I needed to consult my books and the one I was guided to look at was “The Law of Attraction” by Abraham Hicks.
Abraham’s teachings over the years have been integral to understanding the Law of Attraction.
When you can bring awareness to your misalignment, when perhaps the negative thoughts and feelings are running, you are at choice. You can choose to reach for a good feeling thought. It does not matter what it is as long as it makes you feel better.
This will start moving you back into alignment.
Abraham calls this Pivoting. What thoughts can I reach for in this very moment? What do I want? What do I really want? What is it that I am choosing at this moment? What can I see in front of me that is joyous?
This is also where affirmations come in handy. You can reframe your thoughts immediately by having your affirmations ready to go.
For the Law of Attraction to work you must always be in vibrational alignment for what you wish to draw forth.
It was a great reminder, so I have been constantly reaching for the better feeling thought, which leads to another better feeling thought and so on. As a result, I have moved back into my flow, back into my abundance and joy.
Another practice that I read in this book is at the end of every day, as you are going to sleep, acknowledge the comfort of your bed, the health and well-being that runs through your body, the opportunities that have presented themselves to you during this day, and how delighted you are to be going into your sleep.
On awakening, acknowledge the comfort on your bed, the sleep that you’ve had, the continued health and wellbeing that runs through your body and the healing that has occurred overnight as you slept, and the excitement for the day and the opportunities that lay ahead.
Give it a go, it ends your day with high vibe thoughts and starts your day on high vibe thoughts. Try it out, it works wonders, and have fun. And choose good feeling thoughts.
Be Abundant.
Love & light