Let’s come together and support each other through this time

We are experiencing interesting times. In fact, unchartered territory for most of us. But hey, we are all in this together so let’s come together and support each other through this time. 

It is so important to not get whacked out by fear. Whilst fear may feel very real, it’s really just our thoughts and feelings – our lower mind running the show. When we get whacked out by fear, we are in fight or flight response which is really useful if we are being attacked by wild creatures, but we are not. 

We are actually, in truth, quite safe. Yes, there are measures to take, but in reality we are safe.

The key to move through fear is to acknowledge it, feel it, accept it. This is your starting point.

Ask yourself, “where in my body am I feeling this fear?” and feel right into it. Then say to yourself “I choose to let this fear go.” 

The next step is to do all you can each day to feel good, to reach for feeling good. We can do this in any given moment. Even if you are feeling grave concern for your business or your finances or your family, you can always reach for something that feels good.

The most effective way to do this is through gratitude and appreciation. 
There is always something to be grateful for. 

The next layer is, of course, meditation.

Meditation will take you out of your lower mind, your lower thoughts and feelings and become present. I have just recorded a grounding, heart opening meditation to help with this. When you create space for this you will come up with solutions, outcomes, ideas and experience more ease.

Here is the link to the meditation.

Access meditation

My other suggestion is to limit your media exposure, including social media. You will find most things are on repeat. The more they are on repeat to you the more it cements and adds to the fear and really doesn’t make one feel good. Most of all it is not really that useful. By all means, keep informed, but refer to the official websites and keep up to date that way. I also strongly recommend switching off at least an hour before you go to bed – ideally longer so that you are wound down ready for a restful sleep. 

Think about something you can do to help another, this will also help you stay out of your own head. 

Abundance is also very much about giving as it is receiving. 

Remember through adversity always comes the greatest opportunities. 

If you are curious about the spiritual reasons behind this virus one of my teachers Elizabeth Peru writes a very interesting blog about this that may be of interest, it looks at things from a bigger picture point of view.

Access Elizabeth Peru Blog

In the meantime, if you are finding it really difficult to get back into alignment, and into your power I am here to support you in any way I can.

As my gift at this time, feel free to book in a complimentary 30 minute power activation call with me. 

Book a complimentary 30 min call with me

Also, I am extending the Land of Abundance workshop in Melbourne as a free event as my gift to my community. We will very much be exploring your bigger picture vision which will help you keep aligned and on track.

This 2 hour online event is at 11am on Saturday the 28th March via Zoom rather than in person so you can be anywhere in the world and dial in.

Register here – Land of Abundance – Virtual

The Sydney 18th April event remains in person at this stage and is still a  ticketed event.

Register here – Land of Abundance Sydney

Love & light
