Today is my 5th Wedding Anniversary and has me thinking about this very special day, a day I can remember fully and completely.
Not only was it the day that I got to marry my Love (something I never thought possible when I came out almost 30 years ago, amongst all of the fear and angst over being gay), it was a day that cemented our relationship and our commitment to each other in front of our closest loved ones. A relationship that is far deeper than I could have imagined.
I believe our marriage has also helped us as a couple work through the challenges that come up in relationship, by facing them head on, until we have resolved them, Even when it’s challenging and, of course, by facing them, we move through them much quicker and back into ease, love and connection.
The other significant thing of that day was my beautiful Mum walked me down the aisle. It was such joyous emotional experience for me, that I barely held it together. The tears of joy and love certainly flowed.
The joy that our loved ones also shared with us that day was palpable – the love, the connection and the fun.
Reflecting on this I am able to invoke the feelings of that day. An amazing gift we have as humans to be able to bring it all back through our imagination.
Give it a go, think of a treasured experience or event and feel into the joy of it, be in the experience.
Another reason for the significance of this day is that a few months after my wedding day, my Mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and passed later that year. No one had any idea that she was unwell. She didn’t even know.
Now whilst her loss was probably one of the hardest things I have faced, I faced the grief head on and by doing so was able to move into receiving the gifts from losing her. I committed to creating a legacy, of stepping up, of healing, of moving past my fears and limiting beliefs (it’s an ongoing journey).
What has unfolded, is me stepping up into the work that I do today, which is so fulfilling expansive, purposeful and joyous. And I know that without her loss my life wouldn’t have unfolded the way it has.
The biggest reflection of this, is to take the moments we have, the present moments we have and enjoy them, enjoy fully being with our loved ones, ourselves, and in our experiences. We never fully know what’s around the corner, but we will never get more than we can handle and there is always higher gifts if we choose to see them, always.
I have a big birthday coming up very soon, and many of those loved ones will be back together to celebrate with me. I know for sure I’m going to enjoy every minute of being with them in that moment.
I wish you many of those moments.
Love & light