In April (during our first lock down) I revised all my choices. If you have worked with me, been to one of my workshops or read my book, the key to manifesting is to have clear choices (clear focus) on what you want, what you are choosing and to visit these regularly.
One of Garrett’s and my long held dreams is to have a property in the country with enough land to grow vegetables, have some chooks and be off the grid, essentially be as self sufficient as possible.
In April I decided to make it one of my choices and to start shifting my focus on to creating this outcome. The choice reads, “I choose the end result of my beautiful home in the country with space and light all around me”.
When we make choices we tune in on the end result using our intuition, our unlimited selves, to see, imagine and experience the end result as if its already done. When I tuned in on my property, I could see it being at the top of a hill with views all around me, I could see way into the distance, I could see the sun rising and the sun setting, I could see the stars, the moon. I had space all around me and the house was at the top of the hill, I could also see water in the far, far distance.
I did some work with my coach on clearing any resistance and fears with it manifesting using the recode process I take my clients through. I could see it happening. I knew it would. However I was completely unattached to the hows or the whens.
Then Garrett and I tuned in on what our property must have. It must have a liveable house, but a good spot to build our dream home, it must have good soil, be elevated, have water sources, have bush to further regenerate and be no more than 30 minutes to a town and, in addition to that, I did not want to borrow any money to buy it.
We had no real timeframe, we just had this very strong intention.
Fast forward, and if you read my last blog, you will know I ended up renting a cabin up in the Northern Rivers of NSW and one of the benefits of being here was to see I truly wanted to live regionally, and as you will have read in my last blog. I absolutely love it.
How I have created wealth is through property investment. Towards the end of October, out of the blue, I had a message on LinkedIn by someone interested in buying one of my investment properties in NZ. The offer was a very good one and, with a little bit of negotiating, it was a done deal with a very quick settlement being 27th November.
I was like “Wow! That was easy”, then I realised I could buy something up near where I was renting. I had an inspired action.
When I moved into my cabin the owner of the property mentioned that the neighbouring property was on the market and I knew I needed to find out about it. I discovered that it was a 100 acres and had no house, so the land size was way more than we were ready for and had no dwelling ready to go.
What that led me to was to the next door property which had just gone on the market privately. I rang the owner who had moved south and arranged to go and have a look. As soon as I got to the property, saw the view, saw the house which was small but lovely and very liveable, had two dams, established vege gardens, fruit orchards, six paddocks and some remnant bush I just knew it was ours. I FaceTimed Garrett (who was still locked down in Melbourne) and he was so on board. We knew we needed to make an offer.

After some researching we made an offer, which was accepted. We even had early access before settlement which fitted the timing for Garrett’s arrival and to have some work done on the property. And the price we bought it for was almost exactly what I sold my NZ property for, so we didn’t have to have any loans to make it happen. It all fell into place. It even came with four cows and a ride on mower! Up to that point it was absolute ease and flow and a magical manifestation.
In the lead up to exchange and settlement we did move out of ease and flow where our own unresolved wounds showed themselves. We became attached to the outcomes, and impatient, so lots of resistance came up so we had some challenges getting it all across the line. I will write about this in my next blog soon.
We have had early access to the property so in between working we have been here painting, gardening and looking after the cows. I will admit we really have no idea what we are doing half the time, but I do know this very special land is really our great teacher.
Last Thursday our new bed arrived so last night we had our first night at the farm, and early the next morning at sunrise I had my first deep meditation here. It is a very special place indeed and truly a dream come true.
If you are ready to create your dreams, break through the fear and resistance that plays out, join me for my new client intake from the 11th January. You can also join me for my free Land of Abundance Workshop on Saturday 16th January from 10am – 12 noon.
Start the new year with a bang, and really make 2021 your very best ever.
I will very much be getting used to this farm life over the festive season so will be taking a coaching break from Monday the 21st December until 11th January, my existing clients will of course have access to me via messenger and emergency sessions through this time.
Have a wonderful abundant festive season where ever you are and whatever you are doing.
Sending you my love and blessings.

Upcoming dates:
March Abundance Retreat Hunter Valley 26th – 29th March 2021
New client intakes resume 11th Jan 2021