What were you thinking?

ThinkingImageHappy New Year and welcome to my first blog for 2016.

Most people talk about intentions or resolutions for the year, but I want to talk about thoughts.

Did you know your thoughts become things? Anything that us humans have created since the beginning of human existence started out as a thought! Not sometimes all of the time. Amazing eh.

So choose your thoughts carefully, as what you are thinking about is what you are manifesting. Which is why it is so important to be aware of where your thoughts are and ultimately your focus. Your thoughts are in the driving seat 24/7.

Our physical bodies, our dramas and all the things that show up in our lives are just mirrored reflections of our expectations and beliefs.

With awareness you can manage those thoughts.

Changing your focus to what you want, changes your thoughts to what you want! And guess what, you then start creating what you want from that place and the universe steps in to help you along the way.

A great way to quickly change those thought patterns is to practice gratitude, see my blog about the The Best Tool In My Tool Box . Through gratitude there cannot be any negative thought. It is impossible.

Be aware of how you are feeling. Are you feeling happy, sad, angry, jealous, impatient, anxious, fearful, joy? These are all indicators of where your thoughts are positive or negative. Remember its your choice where you play all day, every day.

Love & light


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