This blog was inspired by a client session this morning.

When I start working with people they are bringing forth a new way of being, a new way of operating. Whether that be better health and wellbeing or creating a new business, essentially they are making changes for the better.

This client that I was working with this morning is moving out of her old career into what she is meant to be doing in the coaching field. She has been experiencing so much fear stepping away from the comfortable income into the new, into the unknown. She knows though, in her heart of hearts, it’s what she is meant to do, but, of course, the fear, the resistance, will show up. It also needs to for own learnings, as her future clients will go through the exact same things, just as you will.

You see, whenever we move forward, when we commit to expansion, that’s when the sh*t hits the fan. That is when our ego kicks in, big time. All those limiting patterns, beliefs, fears, restricted ways of operating show up, usually on high alert.

We move into fear, into resistance. You see what’s happened is, all of a sudden, you have started shining a light on to the darkness that is within, essentially the limiting self.

As the Abundance Activator, boy, has this shown up for me so many times. The fear, the resistance, the lack of trust in self, in others, the self-doubt, the paralysis, you name it, it’s shown up. And yes, it feels icky, it feels horrible, and, for me, I even beat myself up for it. In my limiting self, I think “why am I still going through this icky-ness, me the Abundance Activator“. Well, of course, I must. I am learning, growing, expanding, just like us all, and I also must experience it to see the light. It’s the human experience we all came here for, for our growth, and actually to get to our joy, our fulfilment.

This got me reflecting on this month, I made the decision to be “patient and kind”, it’s even the theme this month at the yoga studio I go to. Boy, has that woken me up to when I am not patient and kind, particularly in my love relationship and with myself, and in judgement of others. It has also been mirrored back to me by others for me to see, and, let me tell you, it has been challenging. Here’s the thing…accept what’s showing up, love that part of you, accept that part of you, ride it out and, by doing that, you will move through it, you will come out the other side to the place of freedom, to your joy.

However by pushing it away, refusing to accept it, by judging it, by making yourself less than, it will keep showing up. Love you for you, accept you for you, exactly as you are, warts and all, and from that place, your light will shine brighter and brighter each day.

Love & light
