This year for me started off a little bit like that, you see, I had planned to fully be back from the 11th of January and I was available for client sessions, but I was wishy washy. I was still adjusting to farm life and was busy pottering around the farm and loving it. I had two new clients booked to start their new programs with me on the 11th. One guy was completely uncontactable and the other was procrastinating as to when he was to start and yet before Christmas they were both really keen for breakthroughs and to create an amazing year ahead and I too was committed to them.

So the opportunity was there for me to look at how I had created those situations. If you have read previous blogs or worked with me, you will know that we create the whole of our reality. So I took responsibility. You see I realised I too was wishy washy, I was wavering on starting my work. I didn’t feel like doing any marketing, networking or for that matter attract in any new clients and of course that was mirrored right back to me.

As soon our annual public holiday known as Australia Day was over I felt a shift. I was ready to go. I got clear and unwavering on my choice to impact thousands of people with my work as the Abundance Activator and since then it’s been all go: new clients coming on board, momentum in working on my business, grounding my collaborations with others and planning out and launching my March retreat. I got back into alignment with my work and it’s amazing and so much fun.

When we make a clear decision and are unwavering in our choice our results will come. The key is to be unwavering, to be focused on the end result and to take action towards it. The other part of the creation process is to own the resistance. Because if it something that is really important, something contributing to our growth, we will waiver, our ego, our programs will come into play. The key is to acknowledge them, own them and by doing so you get to choose again, you get to hold your focus on to your end result. And by owning your resistance, your fears, and your attachments, you then create a place to heal from.

Last year, through new learnings and activations, I have been gifted with new tools to support those that I work with. These tools enable the programs – the limiting beliefs – to be reprogrammed. I am so grateful for these gifts as I can support my clients achieve their outcomes much faster.

Only this week I supported a client who was having difficulty closing sales, she had the prospects but she wasn’t closing the deals. Once we unpacked what was going on for her she was able to see that she was showing up powerless and in fact fearful of her own innate power because she had been persecuted for it continually throughout her life.

We re-programmed that belief, she immediately stepped into her power and went and closed ten sales almost immediately.

There’s also a stand-up comedian I work with who needed her content to be perfect and was so fearful of getting back on stage. We re-programmed the perfectionism and she was able to get back on stage and step fully into presence and trust her gifts. She has returned to rocking her audiences and is absolutely loving it.

I’ve also worked with a woman who was miserable and couldn’t secure a home to buy. Everything she liked kept falling through. As we unpacked her belief it was revealed that she believed she was not allowed to have what she truly wanted. The very next day the sale of the house that she truly wanted fell through and became available and she recently went unconditional on buying it.

Are you ready to step into your greatness rapidly? If you mention this blog you can experience a rapid reprogram session until the end of February for $222. Email me to book your reprogramming at this special price. For the general public the sessions are $497 so get in now and experience yours.

Alternatively talk to me about my ongoing coaching programs or my collaboration with Jane Libbis where we support couples to consciously uncouple.

Stay tuned for my workshop schedule coming soon.

I look forward to seeing you.

In Abundance